
Member of the s block element funny cartoon video clip
Member of the s block element funny cartoon video clip

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The toys are convinced but then Woody accidentally moves the arm so that the toys can see it is not connected to Buzz anymore.

member of the s block element funny cartoon video clip

From Sid’s window Woody is shaking Buzz’s hand (his arm broke off when Buzz tried to fly) while Buzz is actually on the floor away from the window completely. Woody is trying to convince everyone Buzz is okay and that they are friends now so the toys will save Woody and Buzz from the neighbor, Sid.

  • Dramatic irony: Another favorite of mine is with Buzz’s arm.
  • I showed the quick clip of the beginning where Andy throws Woody on the bed and leaves, and all of the toys start to get up once the coast is clear.

    Member of the s block element funny cartoon video clip movie#

  • Dramatic irony: Again, the whole movie with the toys being alive and none of the humans knowing it.
  • I was worried the students would revolt if I played the song about building a snowman. I show the clip after the parents died and both sisters were back-to-back at the door.
  • Dramatic irony: We know Elsa has powers and Anna does not.
  • At the same time, he runs into one of the pointing icicles surrounding the castle and impales himself.
  • Situational irony: If your students aren’t the type to enjoy song and dance, there is the scene where they are approaching the castle and Olaf comments how he is sure Elsa is really sweet and wouldn’t hurt anyone.
  • There’s something very comical about the song and dance he does.

    member of the s block element funny cartoon video clip

  • Situational irony: There are a few examples, but I go with Olaf loving the summer time.
  • When the monster comes into view, Olaf calls him Marshmallow even though he is anything but sweet and fluffy.
  • Verbal irony: Olaf is just coming out of the woods after being chased by the monster Elsa created in her castle.
  • (YouTube video link)įrozen I actually did these using just gifs if you find yourself without time or without an Internet connection. Sullivan has all sorts of funny reactions watching the different parts of the compactor smashing up the trash.
  • Dramatic irony: Sullivan thinks Boo is in the trash compactor, but really she fell out of the trash can and toddled off.
  • My students act like they are annoyed watching the “kids’” movie, but they always laugh when the fake little boy shoots up in bed and the monster freaks out.

    member of the s block element funny cartoon video clip

  • Situational irony: The whole concept of the movie with monsters afraid of little kids.
  • The comments continue but her dry tone makes it clear she’s being ironic and not sincere. Roz sarcastically mentions she’s sure he’s submitted his paperwork before leaving work for the day. Mike is about to go on a date but doesn’t have his paperwork. Not only do we know he’s not dead, but the audience also knows what is really happening in the office versus the people in the waiting room who are thinking it’s the world’s worst cavity drilling.
  • Dramatic irony: The dentist office scene when Nemo fakes his death.
  • It is during this argument that Nemo is able to wander off and gets into trouble. Ray and Marlin are arguing about who can better watch Nemo so he doesn’t get in trouble.
  • Situational irony: Lots of examples, but I use the clip at the beginning when Mr.
  • Dory asks if Marlin is her conscience and he uses a bit of verbal irony in his smart reply back. I use the clip right after the shark intervention, when they are swimming in the dark.
  • Verbal irony: Mostly Marlin with Dory.
  • Member of the s block element funny cartoon video clip free#

    Sorry! It’s too hard to keep up with 🙁 Keep scrolling to the bottom though for a free Irony presentation using Disney gifs! Finding Nemo *Some links are now deleted from YouTube. They know these movies by heart and can concentrate solely on what is ironic and why. Here’s a list of what I like to use in my classrooms when teaching irony (and a few other elements) to the students before we apply those same concepts to whatever it is we are reading in class. My reluctant students who have trouble keeping up with The Kite Runner, can easily speak about the literary elements when used in the context of a Disney movie. They also usually know the movies by heart. But do not let these too-cool-for-school high school students fool you they love the these classic movie clips. One of my go-tos is Disney since I have a three-year-old son.

    member of the s block element funny cartoon video clip

    I love breaking up the monotony of a lesson with a quick video, visual, or audio example of whatever it is we’re doing in class.

    Member of the s block element funny cartoon video clip